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Design without Borders
Határtalan Design/Design Without Borders
Incepted 15 years ago, this is one of the region’s most significant dynamically-evolving independent exhibition and all-arts event series. This year featuring the works of more than 140 designers, jewellery designers and visual artists from Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland in the Kiscell Museum for a month, opening 10 October.
The name refers both to the ever-growing number of international exhibitors and the interoperability of the various art disciplines. An express will of the curators is to demonstrate the wide array of possibilities in interpreting design. By broadening the concept, they lay emphasis on creative approach and innovation that are based on constant inspiration, dialogue between different social, professional and generation groups, the clashing of their divergent opinions, and systematically arranging and transmitting information. Design-based thinking also serves as the starting point for innovation, education, making strategies and even solving problems.
The works, projects, objects and related events showcased in the exhibition emphasise the importance of productive interaction between the various disciplines of art – the visual arts, design, as well as the visual and performing arts. The selection highlights not only the artists, but also the role of social responsibility, civil society and creators in society, as well as the importance of networking.
The exhibition features design objects in the narrower sense – one-off and small-batch furniture, home accessories, carpets and soft furnishings – as well as prototypes, contemporary jewellery, projects (and films about projects) that interpret genre boundaries freely, propositions that are eco-conscious, serve sustainable development or highlight the role of civil society in shaping society as a whole, and works that present the cultural and creative connections within gastronomy.
Linked to the Design Without Borders exhibition is TEXHIBITION, a textile designer project. Created 5 years ago by textile designer Szilvia Szigeti, this project fosters cooperation between designers and manufacturers. A small selection of the latest results will be exhibited in Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna, whereas the entire range will be on display in the FUGA – Budapest Center of Architecture in December.
For the third time, contemporary jewellery designers will be given a central role. They were selected by renowned curators including Cornelie Holzach, director of the Pforzheim Jewellery Museum; Elisabeth Heine, guest curator of the Pforzheim Jewellery Museum; Austrian jewellery artist Susanne Hammer; arts writer and collector Katalin Spengler; and the organisers of Design Without Borders. The aim of the selection is to show guests the most progressive novelties of the genre as completely as possible.
Design Without Borders also operates as a sort of designer network and platform, aiming to create the opportunity of dialogue between the different generations. As a part of this guests will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the works of students from various arts and design schools and universities. This year’s exhibit will feature the works of the artists of the 2019 “Graduation Show” of Design Academy Eindhoven; as well as the works of the students of five faculties of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of Bratislava, two faculties of the Academy of Fine Arts of Warsaw, the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia of Pilsen, and the MOME Design Institute. This year guests can learn how the art of jewellery is taught through the works of the students of the Abendkolleg SchmuckDesign faculty of KunstModeDesign Herbststrasse of Vienna.
For the first time in its history, the Design Without Borders selection will be on show in three capitols: Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna.
Design Without Borders Award
To acknowledge the exhibitors’ professional performance the organisers founded a design award in 2016, primarily to support young artists. The aim of this accolade is to highlight the potential in design, as well as the importance of sponsorship and social responsibility.
The jury, comprised of renowned professionals, looks for originality, innovative solutions and high design content.
The four winning artists will receive 400 000 HUF gross, and one designer will get the opportunity to participate free of charge in the Łódź Design Festival, one of Europe’s most significant design events.
The Design Without Borders Award is sponsored by:
International Visegrad Fund, the Horvath Art Foundation, Laguna Lakástextil Ltd., and art collectors Zsolt Somlói and Katalin Spengler.
The exhibition is organised by founding curators Szilvia Szigeti and Tamás Radnóti.
Texts written by: Gabriella Rothman
Web: design-without-borders.eu
Sponsors: International Visegrád Fund, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Summa Artium, Pro Helvetia, Austrian Cultural Forum, Embassy of the Netherlands, Polish Institute, Embassy of Germany, Cervantes Institute
Partners: Czech Centre, Estonian Institute, Italian Cultural Institute, Camões Institute, Romanian Cultural Institute, Slovak Institute, designaustria, Slovak Union of Visual Arts, KunstModeDesign Herbststrasse (Vienna), Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, MOME Design Institute, Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Bratislava)
The exhibition is a joint event of the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre, the Budapest History Museum – Kiscell Museum and Unikát Összművészeti Stúdió Bt. as part of the CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival; and is part of the Budapest Design Week event series.
Dates and venues:
Kiscell Museum – Church
1037 Budapest, Kiscelli u. 108.
Dates: 10 October – 15 November 2020
Opening: 9 October 2020 at 18:00.
The exhibition will be opened by Michał Piernikowski, director of the Łódź Design Festival.
Due to the pandemic situation the exhibition opening will have a limited attendance and will take place behind closed doors.
Galéria UMELKA
Dostojevského rad 2. 811 09 Bratislava
Dates: 2 April – 29 April 2021
designforum Wien / MuseumsQuartier
Museumsplatz 1 / Hof 7, 1070 Wien
Dates: 7 May – 27 May 2021